T109: The Future of Work & How to Get There

  • Room: Grand F
  • Session Number:T109
Tuesday, July 19, 2022: 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Brett Baker PhD, CPA, CISA
Inspector General
Hannibal "Mike" Ware CFE
Inspector General
Kelly Stefanko CGFM, CPA
Audit Manager
National Science Foundation OIG
Michael Tilden
Acting State Auditor
California State Auditor


The pandemic changed the way we work. As the dust begins to settle and lessons learned emerge from our 2+ years of pandemic induced work-from-home, hear from four government executives regarding what they have experienced in the oversight community, and foresee as key aspects for a successful and productive workplace of the future.

Key Take-aways

Key Takeaways:
• A 9-5 workday is gone, and we’re moving on, not going back. Now is the time for creativity and innovation.
• Leaders must recognize differences in employees’ personal motivating factors and life challenges, rethink productivity measurement, and prioritize learning and development.
• Remember your introverts when planning meetings and social events.

Learning Objectives

Explore the future workplace, with its leaders and work culture, and compare it to your current office culture, mission and purpose. Understand the importance of valuing and welcoming employees, and learn inventive ways to foster collaborations and relationships among teams built with diversity and inclusion in mind.